Saturday, July 08, 2006

Weekend Blahs

Today is one lazy day! The sun is out. There is an actual breeze coming through the windows. The imps are in the midst of cabin fever. This could be the terminal variety, as they are determined to find and torture that 'last nerve'.

Simple answer...Why not take them outside? Let them run and play?

Well, today is the Sister's annual hog roast and it is located on the far end of the State from our house. We also have to fix and prepare a covered dish (not even started yet). On top of that, who really wants to let the imps go out and get all grubby and sweaty then fight to bring them back inside the house so they can get baths then jump in the car and drive to the hog roast where the imps will run around outside and get all grubby?

It is tooo damn hot folks!

and because we are being lazy, b.imp has colored my windows, floors and front door purple and orange. g.imp and I have had a fairly extended conversation with her stuffed purple bunny doll. Meanwhile she has yet to finish her tomato soup (blood) that she asked the wife imp (does that make her the family w.imp?) to fix for her 11/2 hours ago.

On the bright side, the car has been washed and organized (cleaned can never be used unless the w.imp--no, gotta go back to another name--TB1/2 (the better1/2)? Love of My Life (LOML)? --anyway if the Boss 'aint approved the effort it 'aint clean).

No, dammit! I am going to make a stand. This is my blog and the imps are going to be clarified.

We already have:

daughter = g.imp (girl imp)
son = b.imp (boy imp)
wife = w.imp (wife imp)
me = d.imp (daddy imp)? f.imp (father imp)? p.imp? (papa imp?)

I like what we are accomplishing here folks.

Personally I am open to bets on how long the wife will allow herself to be called w.imp to my p.imp?

any guesses??

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