Sunday, July 02, 2006

Dog Days of Re-runs

During the slow days of summer when nothing is on t.v. (and yes we have over 80 channels and there is nothing on...)
What tapes do you pop into the 'ole VCR.

1- Ohio State University Football. Since the Boss is also a fan, I can usually find a game from 2002 to present that she will enjoy. Favorites include past wins in any Fiesta Bowl or vs. UM.
- I also have 3 or four of Tim Chang's better games when he was playing for Hawaii.

2-John Wayne. However, the wife is not a true fan and I am limited to McLintock, The Quiet Man, The Searchers, She Wore A Yellow Ribbon or Fort Apache

3- House of Flying Daggers (this one is on hiatus at the moment as I simply wore out its welcome)

4- ANY Thin Man movie

5- any LOTR - this would truly be my number one (yes even over an OSU football game) however they are usually too long to pop in late at night...

6- Casablanca

7- Any Harry Potter

8- Fiddler on the Roof

9- any Fawlty Towers episode

10- His Girl Friday


Anonymous said...

Dude. I'm still catching up on last season's TiVo'd episodes of the Sopranos. Lame lame lame.

OSU football - very cool. My cousin starts school there in the fall.

dennis said...

you can literally yell that in any major city in the world and get the following:



best wishes for your cousin!