Sunday, June 25, 2006

Time for change

With Spring slowly moving into summer and inexorably toward the winter and Holidays, the food feasts are nearly upon us!

Yep, we are very nearly back to the stage of storing tha fat for winter!

Sooo, knowing my body's metabolism is nearly 10% as effective as it was, say, 20 years ago I have decided that a little help is needed.

Enter the 'Training Program'. I need to lose weight. No, I desperately need to lose weight!
(after all, one cannot truly be a trophy husband if one is not tanned and fit with a full head of hair--ok, fit with a full head of hair. Tanning is not an event I will ever experience.)

My target goal is to lose at least 20 lbs by Sept. (aggressive I know, but I will immediately be cutting out the junk food intake).

I am also into the 2nd week of the 'Couch Potato to 5k' running program and I will begin weight training as well.

yep, me me me me me me me

well back to the kids:

we went to the small-town festival near the zoo. 90 degree plus temps...almost no shade.
However, a glass of lemonade, two tiny hotdogs and a funnel cake and our g.imp loudly proclaimed that she was 'in Heaven!!!'

Love these little festivals!

1 comment:

Mama of 2 said...

The festivals in our neck of the woods have begun as well. This weekend the bulk of them got rained out but I am looking forward to taking the kids to them. It's always a good time if you can look past the money pit effect they have on your wallet.

Good luck with the weight loss and keep us posted.